Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tips for VIVA

The Below Tips are solely the blind Belief of myself… Any false information is Deeply Regretted.
  •   Keep your presentation gentle... confident but not over confident.
  •   Express the inspiration, reason and importance of your project work...
  •   Start from the study you made b4 starting the project...
  •   Give appropriate reasons for every aspect of your selection of environment, Programming language and name of your project.
  •   Without waiting for questions you yourself expand every component of your project,
  •   Let the external know that you are interested so much in your project, to show this you have to be energetic and enthusiastic, above all happy to explain everything with a confident smile.
  •   If you have less or a very small demo, then take time to show the objects and individual components of your project work. Be sure that you have attained/completed your project upto satisfaction of your guide, your abstract and yourself. Admit the limitations and incompleteness if and only if it is spotted.
  •   If guide is in hurry and asked only important points just summarize your project smartly and elegantly. Try to keep your Language up to a standard.
  •   Don’t give time space to ask questions, if he interrupts in between just pause, answer and then continue your presentation.
  •   If u are questioned just answer it in a detailed fashion such that it covers maximum time so that the number of questions thrown at you will be less.
  •  If anything goes wrong at the execution don’t panic just ask time for resetting the process if you are sure of the execution on reset else explain the reason for error in an optimistic way.
  •   Try to explain a set of sample code to make them believe that you have coded your project.
  •  Complete your presentation with the same smile and confidence that u started with.
  •  At the finishing stage express the proud feeling of completing your project and about the future scope of the application, about up-gradations, removing the limitations, new versions etc. 


  1. s useful tony....
    Do well...
    All the best for all....
    Surely v( 4 yr) will get gud names..


Feel the Pulse of Tech' !!!

Feel the Pulse of Tech' !!!
Ur's may stop, but this will Beat 4 EVER